Treasury Edge

Treasurers of Tomorrow- The 100 Day Plan

You may or may not have heard, but our first Treasurers of Tomorrow event was held yesterday morning in a beautiful office in Soho. Yes, we drank coffee, we ate pastries, and we chewed the fat. But we also connected through our common passion for treasury. The ambition in the room was palpable, with everyone […]

Treasury Turtle- 8 Steps to Boost Cash Flow Forecast Contributions

  I don’t need to preach to the converted about how important the cash flow forecast is to a business. The problem is that producing a quality forecast means tapping into the knowledge inside the business. The marketing team who are planning their next big campaign, or the payroll team how just finalised annual bonuses.  […]

Treasury Turtle- How to get a seat at the table

As a treasurer you have a unique view of the business, you see everything, know everyone and can see into the future with your forecasting and insight. Here are 5 steps that you can take to ‘grab a spoon’ (Friends reference) and get your voice heard when the decision-makers are setting the business strategy.    […]